My three year old has recently become obsessed with time.
“Momma, what time is it?” It’s a question that comes frequently and often someone will respond “time for you to get a watch.” My kids are hilarious and original. 🙄 I’m not sure why he wants to know or where he has to go but nevertheless he continues to ask.
“What time is it?”
The last time he asked was at 2:21 p.m. I glanced at the clock and answered the boy and thought about how the day was getting away much too quickly.
As a mother, there are some moments I want to freeze and get lost in just as a child looking into a snow globe. A moment when my children are laughing together. A moment when my almost 13 year old walks through the room and for a second I get a glimpse of the incredible young woman she is becoming. A moment when my 1 year old shrills with excitement over a taste of ice cream. A moment when two little girls hold hands and twirl together like the tiny little dancers they dream to be. A moment when my big boy helps the little boy put on his shoes. A moment when my man and I finally curl up together on the couch for a little bit of after bedtime television. A moment when the whole world seems to come together just as I planned.
Those moments are so rare that my heart longs to freeze time and celebrate them for just an extra moment. Sometimes I can feel myself missing it before it’s even gone.
Then there are the things I want to fast forward just a bit. Like the days when the laundry basket is piled to the ceiling.
Time is a funny thing. Whether it’s moving too slowly or too quickly is out of my control. I can only attempt to savor the sweet and keep calm in the crazy. One thing is certain, once it’s gone we can’t get it back. I won’t tell you to “enjoy every moment” cause some moments are just plain hard. I will tell you to take a moment or two to thank God for every second and make some time for moments that make you want to press the pause button.
What time is it?